Speakers Catalysis Connected 2019

In order of appearance:

Saturday 24 August

Dr. Karin Föttinger, TU Wien
Lecture: Who is doing the job? Unravelling the role of metals and oxides in alcohol conversion on bimetallic Au and Pd catalysts

Dr. Riikka Puurunen, Aalto University
Lecture: Atomic layer deposition: Bridging semiconductors to catalysis and beyond

Sunday 25 August
Dr. Nathalie Tanchoux, ENSC Montpellier
Lecture: Alginate: A versatile biopolymer for functional advanced materials for catalytic applications

Prof. Bert Sels, KU Leuven
Lecture: Refining lignocellulose: Introducing the lignin-first biorefinery concept

Dr. Christian Hulteberg, Lund University
Lecture: 13 orders of magnitude: From molecules to chemical plants

Dr. Frank Hollmann, Delft University of Technology
Lecture: Biocatalysis for organic synthesis: Why and how?

Dr. Elena Groppo, University of Turin
Lecture: Spectroscopy & catalysis: An eye on the active sites, but not only

Monday 26 August
Prof. Bas de Bruin, University of Amsterdam
Lecture: Catalysis in single electron steps

Prof. Nathalie Katsonis, University of Twente
Lecture: Mutualism between auto-catalysis and motion

Prof. Moniek Tromp, Groningen University
Lecture: Probing (re)active species in homogeneous catalysis: Application of advanced lab and synchrotron techniques

Dr. Jan Philipp Hofmann, Eindhoven University of Technology
Lecture: Transition metal sulphides and phosphides as electrocatalysts for water splitting: Insights into activity and stability

Dr. Ivo Filot, Eindhoven University of Technology
Lecture: Hierarchical multiscale catalytic modelling: From the active site to the reactor

Tuesday 27 August
Prof. Nataša Novak Tušar, University of Nova Gorica
Lecture: Design of a photocatalyst as a coating for removal of organic pollutants from air and water

Dr. Evgeny Pidko, Delft University of Technology
Lecture: Theory-guided design and optimization of catalytic conversions of renewable feedstocks

Dr. Lars Kiewidt, Wageningen University & Research
Lecture: From powder to production: Supporting heterogeneous catalysts for high performance

Dr. John van der Schaaf, Eindhoven University of Technology
Lecture: High-gravity high shear reactors for intensified chemicals production

Plenary speakers

Bert Weckhuysen


Katalin Barta

A bright future for biorefining through efficient lignocellulose fractionation and creative product design

Veronique van Speybroeck

Multiscale Approaches from Molecular Design to Industrial Application: The Role of Machine Learning in Optimizing Catalytic Processes

Jeroen van Bokhoven

Methanol to Olefins, from zeolite structure to mechanism and improved performance

Matthias Beller

Green carbonylation reactions - Can they make an impact in the chemical industry of the future?

Keynote speakers

An Verberckmoes

Advancing lignin valorization through specialized analysis, catalyst development and process optimization

Stephan Schunk

Why the use of AI in Catalysis requires Community Efforts: Homestory summarizing 5 Years of intense Collaboration

Gerhard Mestl

“Has ever an in-situ spectrum improved a catalyst?” (n.n.)

Feng Ju


Matthijs Ruitenbeek

Path2Zero – It’s not (yet) easy being green

Annelie Jongerius

Plastic from CO2: Developing new chemical processes to make the High-Performing and Biodegradable Materials of the future

Nils Bottke

Jetting Towards Sustainability: Tackling Obstacles in Methanol-Based Aviation Fuel

Track speakers

Songbo He

Catalytic pyrolysis of biomass to bio-based aromatics

Nong Artrith

Machine Learning for Catalyst Design: Insights from Ethanol Reforming and Oxygen Evolution Reaction

Marco Altomare


Ivo Filot

Multiscale Modeling of Nanoparticle Catalysis Using Machine Learning and Artificial Neural Networks

Bettina Baumgartner

A Multi-Spectroscopic Approach to Study Photo-Active Metal-Organic Frameworks

Jochem van de Minkelis

Catalytic Pyrolysis of Polyethylene with Microporous and Mesoporous Materials: Assessing Performance and Mechanistic Understanding

Angela Melcherts

It Takes Two to Tango: The Two-Stage Thermocatalytic Conversion of CO2 into Aromatics

Joyce Kromwijk

It Takes Two to Tango: The Two-Stage Thermocatalytic Conversion of CO2 into Aromatics

Carolin Rieg

Advanced characterization methods for coke deposits on Ni-Mo/Al2O3 and Ni/Al2O3 extrudates for the catalytic upgrading of fast pyrolysis bio-oil

Tessa de Koning Gans


César Pernalete

Hydroprocessing pyrolysis oil from waste mixed polyolefins: experimental and kinetic study

Sofie Ferwerda

Spatiotemporal Evolution of Ni Oxidation State of Ni-Mg-Al Catalysts During Dry Methane Reforming

Parviz Yazdani

Dynamic Behavior of Sr species in Sr/La2O3 under Oxidative Coupling of Methane

Lukas Buelens

Performance of Ni-CaO-CeO2 Dual Functional Materials for Integrated CO2 Capture and Utilization

Arturo Pajares

3D-Printed Catalysts for CO₂ Methanation: Effects of Design Parameters

Sebastian Rejman

Executable Manuscripts as Jupyter Notebooks: The Next Evolution in Scientific Publishing?

Eva Harsevoort

Renewable and Intrinsically Recyclable Polymers: Ring-Opening Polymerization of Furan Diels-Alder Adducts