Catalysis Connected feedback questionnaire Thank you very much for taking part in Catalysis Connected 2019 Please answer the feedback questionnaire. It will only take a couple of minutes of your time. Please note that this questionnaire is anonymous. Thank you! My experience of the Catalysis Connected (post)symposium was:* Excellent Good Ok Disappointing Very disappointing Please explain your choice:*The scientific content that was discussed during the lectures was of value to my development as a researcher* Yes No I found the scientific content to be valuable because:*The scientific content was not value to me, because:*How did you experience the interactive nature of the lectures?*What did you think of the duration of the symposium?* Really long Long Just perfect Short Very short 2x half days 2x full daysWhat are your thoughts on the timing of Catalysis Connected?*(In relation to the timing of other events and/or conferences on the 'catalysis calendar')The social activities on day 2 and day 3 were:* Excellent Good Ok Disappointing Very disappointing The symposium venue (Museum Speelklok) was:* Excellent Good Ok Disappointing Very disappointing The catering at the venue (Museum Speelklok) was:* Excellent Good Ok Disappointing Very disappointing If you have any other remarks, write your comments here:*As a whole, I would rate Catalysis Connected 2019:*Please enter a number from 1 to 10.Please give a number (min. 1, max. 10)